This article details how to set individual Wi-Fi Network Names (SSIDs) for the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radios in the Wi-Fi 6 OnBox router deployed by Summit Broadband to support SBB View customers. Some customers may have a use case where different SSIDs are needed, such as in the case of some home automation systems. This article provides instructions to find the existing SSID and password, and how to customize it for each band of the OnBox router.
Find the Current SSID and Password
A label is affixed to the bottom of the router with the current SSID and Password.
Note that the router has both a 2.4G and a 5G SSID, and the default password is the same for both.
Create custom SSID for each band
- In the OnBox Router GUI, navigate to the WLAN menu. See our article on changing the username and password for this router for full instructions.
- In the WLAN menu, select the Wi-Fi Smart Connect tab.
- At the top of the Smart Connect page, uncheck the Smart Connect checkbox. Setting this option allows you to create different SSIDs and Passwords for the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radios.
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Save.
- Now scroll back up and manually set the desired SSID and Password in the 2.4 GHz Parameter Configuration and the 5 GHz Parameter Configuration sections.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.