NOTE: The Summit Broadband Whole Home DVR powered by TiVo is not available in all markets. This content only applies to accounts in communities where this service is available.
Watching Live TV
When you’re watching a show as it broadcasts, you’re watching live TV. Press to go to live TV from any TiVo screen.
As you change channels, you’ll see a status bar at the bottom of the screen. This bar contains useful information, like the show title, time of airing, channel, whether the show is in HD, what’s up next. When available, a tip will let you know that you can press to start from the beginning. In addition, the TrickPlay bar shows you your current location in the broadcast. See below for more on using TrickPlay.
- First, press the Pause
button. You can pause live TV for up to 30 minutes.
When you pause live TV, you see a TrickPlay bar showing a one-hour period. The green segment shows the portion of the hour that has been saved by your TiVo box. The thick white line marks your current point in time. When the white line is back in the green segment, you’re “behind” live TV.
- Press Play
to continue watching the show. Next, press Rewind
and the show rewinds. Press Rewind a second time to rewind faster, and a third time to go at triple speed. Press Play at any time to return to normal speed.
- Press Pause again, and, with the show paused, press Fast Forward
to move a small step forward. Press Rewind to move a small step back. Press Play to resume watching at normal speed.
- While playing, press the Replay
button. The show jumps back 8 seconds — useful for when you miss a great sports play or a bit of dialog, or for when you fast forward too far.
- Press Replay again, then immediately press Slow
to see your own slow-motion replay. To resume normal speed, press Play.
- While playing, press the Advance
button. You’ll instantly move forward 30 seconds. (If you press Advance while fast-forwarding, you’ll skip to the next white tick mark.
- Press and hold the Advance
button and presto! You’re caught up to live TV.
- Press and hold the Replay
button to skip back to the beginning of the saved portion.
Want to see what else is playing on live TV? While you’re watching, press the Right arrow to display the QuickView tuners panel. Use the Up and Down buttons to scroll through tuners, and press OK to switch to one. For more on QuickView, see QuickView.
Record & Watch
You can always record the show you’re watching by pressing Record for options.
Recording the Saved Portion
Up to 30 minutes of the current channel’s broadcast is always being saved on your TiVo DVR, even when you’re not recording. When you change channels, the DVR clears the saved portion on the tuner you’re watching and starts saving again on the new channel. So, if the saved portion is important to you, either record the program or don’t change the channel.
To record the saved portion in addition to the rest of the program, press Record before changing the channel.
Stopping a Recording
You can stop any recording in either of two ways: press the Record button while watching live TV, then choose Stop Recording. Or, from the My Shows list, choose a title that’s currently recording, then move left to choose Stop Recording.